'Intricate wood turning restoration by Ray Barnfield to replace a snapped table leg.'
Nick Dent bought the nest box Dave Shaw made for him and it was put up in their barn In Wales sometime in March
we delivered 2 benches and a large scale dominoes set to Hednesford Children's Nursery this morning.
Emma a Teacher from
Hednesford Valley High School with the beautiful Mental Health Wellbeing Game made by Cannock Chase Shed
The Friends of Hednesford Park
Our wonderful friends atCannock Chase Shedmade us this stunning Mental Health Wellbeing Game for#WorldMentalHealthDay2023. Pictured is Nita and Ray, Jean (who is camera shy) they were the inspirational team that turned Cannock Chase Mental Health Hub project in to a masterpiece game for events. The elephant represents the 'Mental Health / elephant in the room. The 5 pink elephants represent the 5 areas of wellbeing actions you should put in place for your own wellbeing to help keep your brain supported, to prepare for times where stress and unexpected challenges in your life can cause you to not be able to cope with simple tasks. We are blessed with fabulous groups throughout Cannock Chase like Cannock Chase Shed, where you can support all 5 actions to protect your wellbeing: 1.CONNECT (with people who support you and love you as you are ) 2. BE ACTIVE (get you physically moving in activities that are suitable for your own mobility limitations) 3. IN THE MOMENT / Mindfullness (activities that suit your interest where you are absorbed in what you are doing and not mithering about anything else) 4. LEARN (give you opportunities to always learn something new and inspire you to be creative or try new things 5. GIVE (volunteer / be a part of your community / we all have experience, knowledge, time to support those who dont have the time or who are more vulnerable than ourselves, what ever our mobility or capability, no action is too small) The idea of the game is that you throw a bean bag / ball at the elephant, and depending on which one you knock down, you have to say what you will do for each action.
stool repair completed by member Ray Barnfield for the lady in the photo. You can see the broken leg underneath that Ray re-made on the lathe, a very intricate offset shape at the base.
Another project completed.....
"3 from a total of 9 flower presses delivered to IHL"
Time and motion study with health and safety check on the new chair by Pete.
A good photo, I thought I would share.
We delivered this story chair to Hednesford Nursery School.
A “WORK OF ART” created entirely by Ray B from recycled wood.
Friends of Hednesford Park
Wheelchair accessible puppet theatre in use.
Shed team effort.
Thankyou card for the book boxes made by us last year
Slapstick made by Leslie
Photos of the signs we made that were installed today.
Installing of the Hednesford Railway Signs by Railway workers
John Turner's
Knight Shift
Table frame and legs for Glenthorne Community Primary School.
Built by Dave C
Sheila Brown - Dave Shaw - Jo Walker
Displaying a few beautiful Shed products
Dovecote for Hednesford Nursery School
Built by Colin, Jean H & Ray B
Guests and members at the opening of the new workshop at Cannock Chase Enterprise Centre, Monday April 8th 2024
22 bird box kits for Ilam Primary School. Led by Colin & Ray J, supported by many other Shedders.
Hedgehog Hut delivered to Hednesford Nursery School.
Made by Pete. Awaiting residents.......tba
Refurbished noticeboard for Cannock Wood Parish Council.
Painstakingly restored by Tony L (green cap).
Surrounded by admiring Shedders.
2 large bin stores received at Cannock Chase Crematorium by Natasha & Millie.
Built from recycled timber by Shedders.
Thanks to Colin for coordinating the team.....too many to name individually in case one is missed out!
New noticeboard for St John's Church, Heath Hayes.
Built by Ray B (far right). Collected by 3 church members. The first of 2, & Ray has already started on the second.
Giant 'bug hotel' designed and built by Ray J (centre) and collected by Horse Fair Care Home, Rugeley..
Ready for residents to personalise their bespoke bugrooms.
10 tree stumps for
IHL Redhill project.
Routed by Dave Shaw
3 large circles cut by Ray B,
using Chris H's bandsaw jig!
Shed teamwork.
They were used by others to make a postbox for a Pelsall Village Carnival float.
....Here's the finished product!
© CannockChaseShed.org.uk 2022-24 Charity Commission Reg: 1198509